Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Put that turkey in the car!

The sun is shining magnificently on Cannon Beach, it is actually WARM and there is very little breeze. Wouldn't you rather be here? Drive your turkey over and spend the weekend with us.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Time out from Turkey Preps

I see shadows everywhere and the air is mild, so the sun must be out. Ah, there it is! I'm going to walk to work - care to join me?

Friday, November 21, 2008

A great day for a beach walk...

On-the-ground weather update from one of your Cannon Beach Weather Gals, fully equipped with eyes, ears and a sixth sense when it comes to forecasting. No Doppler radar here--just the weather facts and a bit of fun.

Greetings from one of your Weather Gals, embedded here at the Coast. And I do mean embedded! Just me and hot tea and laryngitis and a good book in front of the fire.

Oh, the weather! Today is clear—well, clear gray—no wind, no precip, not cold. A great day for a beach walk.

It’s a challenge to predict weather on the Oregon Coast so that’s why you should check this Weather Gals blog for the real story.

Even if the weather is crummy—dark and gloomy and drippy—it’s probably more than you can say for what you are looking at wherever you live. At least here there’s the glorious Pacific rolling in right outside the window.

If you jump in the buckboard and head west from Portland or south from Seattle, you’ll be here in no time. Then you can hunker down with a hot toddy—or in the case of today—a great walk in front of Haystack Rock, look at the waves, watch the trees and be hypnotized by late fall at the Coast.

Oh about that good book: It’s Malcolm Gladwell’s new one, Outliers. You should read it.

What to look for at the beach:

EVOO—the town’s only cooking school has salt. Lots of it. Black salt, herbed salt and even its own private label French gourmet salt. What? You didn’t know salt was hot? Where have you been anyway—buying Morton’s at the grocery store?

Lamplighting—Trace a big red circle around the date Nov. 29 and come on down for a nostalgic community lamp lighting ceremony in Sandpiper Square, 3 p.m. Visit the Chamber’s Web site for more information,

More weather and events next week! We hope to see you here soon.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Weather looks rain in sight!

Despite reports that Highway 26 is closed due to high water, the road to the beach is free and clear, so come on over this weekend and enjoy the beautiful fall weather in Cannon Beach!

Here is what's really going on: Highway 101 between Seaside and Cannon Beach has been closed on and off due to flooding. Given the clear forecast, it's likely that once the high tide is over around noon today, the water will go down and 101 should be completely passable.

For more up to date road conditions, check out